Jukeboxy Manager

by Creative Media Solutions LLC

Music & Audio


Jukeboxy Manager App controls Jukeboxy Venue Player from anywhere with internet, on location or remotely. Use Jukeboxy in your business: bars, restaurants, coffee shops, gyms, & more!With their interactive app trifecta of Jukeboxy Manager App, Jukeboxy Venue Player, & Jukeboxy Music, Jukeboxy offers a comprehensive music solution with a huge music library that is fully licensed for business use. Jukeboxy Manager App can (through any internet or mobile data connection, remotely or on location):-Visibility and control of what’s playing-Skip song, thumbs up song-Exclude a song or artist-Push a new playlist-Manage multiple locations from one Manager App-Create and play custom playlist (Select Mood, Genre, Decade)-Select ‘Default Schedule’ to reset the music quickly-Adjust volume-Unlimited Manager accounts for one location-Change between selected images for digital signage optionRead a rave review of Jukeboxy on the TEQY blog: http://teqy.co/jukeboxy-business-app-review/Jukeboxy is a company of musicians, DJs, and tech mad geniuses committed to creating a superior music experience no matter what. Better music, period. Find more information at www.jukeboxy.com, follow @jukeboxymusic on Twitter, and ‘Jukeboxy’ on Facebook!